Cubita Coffee Beans

Cubita Coffee BeansThis is the biggest coffee in Cuba - it's everywhere. The Nooge was out there a few weeks back and brought back a sample - a big sample. It's a 1 kilo bag for f*&ck's sake - so it better be good. It cost about 15USD so it's on a par with UK coffees. It made a superb espresso in Cuba - which I even managed to drink black it was that smooth. Back on UK shores and fed through a plunger it doesn't quite bring back the holiday memories - but it is a pretty meaty coffee. Powerful on the tongue yet no nasty aftertaste. Not quite up there with the real big boys but we wont be leaving this in the kitchen that's for sure, it's all gonna go! A respectable 8/10. I'd like to try it in a machine though, as in Cuba this was a definite 10

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As far as the unground beans go, this is amongst the better ones I've tried. Maybe it was the Nooge's grinding style that helped this puppy along, but there wasn't the usual slighly grainy texture I've noticed in others of the same persuasion. It also managed to taste strong without being over powering or leaning toward the 'dirty' side of the coffee tasting spectrum. A good solid coffee, which gains extra points for it's one size fits all 1 Kilo Communist packaging.
Judge Hank's picture

I've been away for two weeks and I had this before I went away and on my return and with a joyous two weeks in between I can confirm tastes as it should at any time. On both occasions this has been a dark multi coloured offering with a very suitable strong flavour that was gone when the coffee was over. I really enjoyed this as well which is lucky since we have the worlds largest pack. 7/10